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musical mechanics! Sauroposeidon, The Melodic Earthshaker


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On 9/1/2023 at 8:40 PM, Shockal said:

Turn ARK into a rhythm game with the mighty Sauroposeidon!


(All artwork by me)

Sauroposeidon rythmos is the largest dinosaur to inhabit the sunken forest. Of course, it’s nowhere near the size of the Forest Titan, but nonetheless, it towers over most animals. This mighty sauropod has a habitual tendency to stomp the ground, creating deep shockwaves that echo onwards for miles.

Interestingly, when it stomps, it does so with a very rhythmic beat. Additionally, it will accompany its tempo with the bass of its voice and the smack of its tail. I’m not sure if they do this for communication or just for fun, but it seems they understand the concept of music.

Riding a Sauroposeidon rythmos is like being the conductor of a living orchestra. Start a tempo with its stomps, and ramp it up with the bass of its voice and the clap of its tail. As its cadence swells, it’ll gain courage and grow more powerful. At its pinnacle, it’ll break into a song that will inspire the hearts of all creatures that hear it, turning the tide against even the most devastating corrupted hordes. Just try not to miss a beat, lest you ruin the rhythm!


Gameplay Summary:

Turn ARK into a rhythm game with the Sauroposeidon! Become a living percussion by rhythmically attacking to the beat of the battle theme - or any music you may have tabbed out (how would this work? I will explain it all below!) Stomp, kick, roar, and whip with a good sense of beat to achieve maximum DPS. Use your musical movement to inspire allies with the courage to continue fighting against the innumerable odds, wave after wave.

Outside of combat, the Sauroposeidon is an incredibly reliable cargo traveler. Although not exactly “fast”, it still has decent speed, and it simply steps over various obstacles that smaller creatures would have been trapped in, like ledges and divots. It can also smash rocks and gather humongous quantities of flint: a resource which only few creatures are specialized to harvest.



Passive Mechanic #1 - Omni Movement:

The Sauroposeidon can turn in place, strafe, and attack while moving.



Passive Mechanic #2 - Attack to the beat:

The Sauroposeidon boasts a complex but fun rhythm mechanic!

To activate the rhythm mechanic, you simply use any attack twice. The game will remember the amount of time that passed in-between your first and second attack, and that brief duration will dictate the speed of your tempo. For example, if the time in-between your first and second attack was one second, then you’ll create a tempo with one-second beats. Being able to choose your tempo means you'll be able to follow along with any song.

A faster beat will result in less damage per stomp, while a slower beat will result in higher. The attack speed compensates for this, so the DPS should equal-out, regardless of tempo.

As the tempo loops, you’ll need to time its beats with attacks in order to maintain it. Miss a beat, and the tempo will end. Continually miss the beats, and you’ll be debuffed with lower damage. But consistently land all your combos, and you'll slowly deal more damage. Keep going and mix it up with different attacks, and you’ll be rewarded with various buffs in the form of a rallying call.

If nearby allies are using drums, Yutyrannus roars, or Mammoth drum saddles, the buff will be amplified even further. Start up a band!



Mouse1 - Leg Stomp:

The Sauroposeidon stomps with its feet. The direction of the stomp is determined by the player’s FOV. For example, looking behind will cause the Sauroposeidon to stomp with its back feet.



Mouse2 - Tail Crack:

The Sauroposeidon uses its tail to whip enemies away. Much like the Leg Stomp, the direction of this tail attack is determined by the player’s FOV. It is a very long tail, so it can even hit enemies in front of the Sauroposeidon.



Spacebar - Neck Ram:

The Sauroposeidon swings around its enormous neck. Again, like the previous two attacks, the direction of this neck attack is determined by the player’s FOV.



Reload - Rallying Call:

Do the roar! The Rallying Call is only available after rhythmically performing twenty consecutive moves in a row, and the buff it provides depends on which attacks were used to lead up to it.

- Leg Stomps grant 1% bonus damage per time used.

- Neck Rams grant 1% damage resistance per time used.

- Tail Cracks grant 1% increased speed per time used.

This means that if you performed thirteen Leg Stomps, five Neck Rams, and two Tail Cracks before activating the Rallying Call, it would provide you and nearby allies 13% bonus damage, 5% damage resistance, and 2% increased speed. The duration of the buff is brief, but can be extended with another Rallying Call. The effects stack, but they have a certain limit.

If a nearby player is using war drums, Mammoth saddle drums, or a roaring Yutyrannus, the buff effects are doubled, and it grants the extra bonus effect of a temporary XP boost.




War drums! Approach a wild Sauroposeidon and play your hearty drums.

The Sauroposeidon will notice and challenge you to a musical battle. After a few minutes of playing, the Sauroposeidon will start becoming dizzy from so much dancing - utilize that window of opportunity to shoot it with tranquilizers! Be quick before it regains its focus again. You don't want it to realize you're trying to knock it out.



A possible TEK Saddle?

A saddle fitted with giant TEK speakers that allows your Sauroposeidon to play any of ARK’s soundtrack in the game at any time!




Some of you may recognize me...



Congratulations if you noticed quickly! I am the creator of the Miracinonyx, Ornimegalonyx and Armadillosuchus - and now the Sauroposeidon! This is now my sixth time in the top ten. From now on, I will prioritize making new creatures ideas over resubmitting old ones. You can still expect to see some old creations return to the votes, but it won't happen often anymore.

The Sauroposeidon isn't the only new creature idea I made for Extinction. I'm doing a double submission! My other creature is the Ozimek.


My last double submission was during the Aberration votes, but I pulled one of them down. This time, however, I'd like to keep both up and see where they go.

As always, thanks for reading. Feel free to leave any suggestions.


Bonus: The Art Gallery of Shockal's ARK Creature Submissions


The Musical big boi better win. I mean, maybe not the very best for Extinction, but it better win one of the votes. This thing is a masterpiece.

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Alright, so you know my opinions on fantasy vs realism but I think THIS one you nailed it! Large animals DO communicate with song and feeling vibrations of steps over great distances (whales, elephants...) so it could be completely viable for this animal to do so too and then adding in a "dance" adds some fun flavor without pushing it too far. THIS guy, I admit, I actually REALLY like! I'm not super big on "big bois" but THIS I want! I'd completely suck with it as I have no rhythm and I'm sure lag could throw me off a beat, but I'd give him a go! This one, Shockal, is definitely going in my top picks!!! Good luck in this round of votes, dude! I'd love to see this guy in there, he's my absolute favorite of all the BIG entries in here!

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Sauroposeidon is my second favorite sauropods of all time( first being Dreadnougtus, definitely not biased 0_0). Seeing the beauty as a musician made my day, its concept and design are spectacular. What’s holding it back from my top three is that it’s a double submission (I know I should go cry about it) but I find it extremely unfair having two creatures out of 10 made by the same guy make the vote, if it weren’t for them the double submission the Yingi would’ve been here. Out of the two though Ozimek should’ve been booted.

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5 hours ago, BionicKetchup65 said:

Sauroposeidon is my second favorite sauropods of all time( first being Dreadnougtus, definitely not biased 0_0). Seeing the beauty as a musician made my day, its concept and design are spectacular. What’s holding it back from my top three is that it’s a double submission (I know I should go cry about it) but I find it extremely unfair having two creatures out of 10 made by the same guy make the vote, if it weren’t for them the double submission the Yingi would’ve been here. Out of the two though Ozimek should’ve been booted.

It not unfair, he was allowed to go and do a double submission just like everyone else could have done. It’s in the rules. And even if he didn’t submit the Ozimek, maybe the Yingi wouldn’t have made it in anyway because of something else. You can’t just blame him for it. He came up with two amazing ideas and he got both in the top ten, you can’t just downvote him because he took a slot from another creature. That’s bad sportsmanship and to do that and say it is even worse. So if you have nothing bad to say about the creature submission itself then keep your criticism about his double submission to yourself it was a fair move to do. I know you already said you should have, but you could have left it at that.

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6 hours ago, OverRannus said:

It not unfair, he was allowed to go and do a double submission just like everyone else could have done. It’s in the rules. And even if he didn’t submit the Ozimek, maybe the Yingi wouldn’t have made it in anyway because of something else. You can’t just blame him for it. He came up with two amazing ideas and he got both in the top ten, you can’t just downvote him because he took a slot from another creature. That’s bad sportsmanship and to do that and say it is even worse. So if you have nothing bad to say about the creature submission itself then keep your criticism about his double submission to yourself it was a fair move to do. I know you already said you should have, but you could have left it at that.

It’s just who I am, I’m am a very critical person and I love to exploit the weaknesses that every creature has( if it has one) to the bare bones. I’m not like everyone else here my guy, besides actually giving negative comments helps the creator make changes to the creature or in this case creatures to make it balanced, appealing to the eye, and better overall. So yeah, sorry for helping I guess :/. 

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13 hours ago, BionicKetchup65 said:

It’s just who I am, I’m am a very critical person and I love to exploit the weaknesses that every creature has( if it has one) to the bare bones. I’m not like everyone else here my guy, besides actually giving negative comments helps the creator make changes to the creature or in this case creatures to make it balanced, appealing to the eye, and better overall. So yeah, sorry for helping I guess :/. 

But that’s just it, you have no negative criticism about the creature, in fact you liked it and wanted to have it in your top three and gave it complements on its design and concept. But because he put down a double submission that was all above board. You tell him he should’ve booted one of his creatures out of the submission, specifically the one that you thought he should have never submitted. If it was negative information about the creature that you pointed out and you would have liked to see change, I wouldn’t have cared much about it. But saying he should have not submitted two ideas and downvoting him for it just because he did it when it’s allowed. How is that negative be any sort of constructive criticism?

Edited by OverRannus
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Okay, I have been deliberating on how well does this creature work in Extinction, I love the design and its abilities you pitch for this. It’s a creature that belongs in ASA, however I am not sure if it is well suited for Extinction. It is more well suited than the dread as you gave it the Omni-directional movement. But I have a problem that Extinction is not a sauropod friendly map. It’s a map with lot of narrow paths and lots of small cliffs. I think this creature is amazing and I hope this one will make another appearance in the future if it doesn’t win. but I have to say that it is in my top five, because it does have Omni-directional movement which makes me feel like it has a good chance to prove I am wrong that Extinction isn’t sauropod friendly. Anyhow, Good luck to you in the creature vote!!!!

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